Aesthetics of Permeable Pavers

Paver Stones and Paving Stones in Roseville, CA

Aesthetics of Permeable Paver Stones

Paver Stones and Paving Stones in Roseville, CA

Paver Stones and Paving Stones in Roseville, CA from Capital Landscape Design

One of the great benefits of permeable pavers is that they are so much more attractive than standard concrete or asphalt. A conventional parking lot, street, walkway, or patio made from concrete is plain, boring, and white. Permeable pavers come in all sorts of designs and looks to match whatever kind of aesthetic you want to have.

Wide Variety of Permeable Paver Stone Colors

Paver Stones and Paving Stones in Roseville, CA

Permeable pavers from Capital Landscape Design of Roseville, CA come in a wide variety of colors, designs, and textures. You can get permeable pavers that look like herringbone brick, you can get permeable pavers that look like cobblestone, and you can get permeable pavers that look like rustic stone pavement. What you won’t get is a boring expanse of black top.

Because you can get permeable pavers in many different colors, textures, and designs, you can set off different designations in your parking lot in permanent paver stones. Imagine having a wheelchair accessible or handicapped accessible parking spot that is completely obvious because of the paver stones that were used for it, where you never have to paint it again because the design is embedded into the stones instead of painted on top of concrete. Imagine having your walkways stand out from the street or parking lot because they are paved in a completely different kind of paver stone. Imagine being able to direct traffic simply because of the way you laid out your permeable paver stones. And on top of all this, your area will look incredibly beautiful and attractive while also being many times easier to maintain.

Different Styles of Permeable Paver Stones from Capital Landscape in Roseville, CA

For homes and gardens, there are even more styles of permeable pavers to choose from. You may want a really rustic look where grass is allowed to grow up between your pavers. This look is gorgeous for outdoor patios and walkways where you want to have nature seamlessly intertwined with comfortable human living spaces. With a garden walk like this, you can have the comfort and cleanliness of walking on pavement while keeping the beauty and natural comfort of a natural green area.

There are so many different styles of permeable pavers to choose from, it is almost impossible to count them. When you order permeable pavers from Capital Landscape Design of Roseville, you can choose pavers that fit closely together in rigid geometric shapes, for a sleek and polished look. You can choose pavers that are designed with irregular shapes – they fit together easily, but the pattern they create looks more random. This creates an earthy, sort of homemade look that fits in well with a more rustic outdoor design. You can choose permeable pavers that look like old fashioned brick walkways and patios, and you can also choose permeable pavers that look like modernist geometric designs. The sky is the limit! Give us a call today and let us help you choose the permeable pavers that will be perfect for your home, business, or project.

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