Tag Archives: gardening tips

Beautiful Bulb Gardens: 10 Tips

The first spring bulb catalog just arrived!!!!!! Sooooo excited……. Ok, now that I have had a chance to compose myself, did you know October and early November are the best months to plant spring flowering bulbs in the Sacramento area? Bulbs are a great way to get a big bang for your buck when landscaping […]

Save Big on your Grocery Bill!!

Landscaping in Sacramento does not always make you think of lowering your grocery bill, but it can definitely make a difference. Many great fruits and veggies grow really well in the Sacramento area. You do not have to dedicate a lot of your yard to growing your garden. With a small raised planter or a […]

“Green” Sacramento Landscaping


Subtly Going Green: Easy Means to Becoming Environmentally Friendly Everywhere you look, companies are promoting the “green movement.” Green isn’t a bad idea, but people don’t want to invest the time or money needed. Not to mention, does anybody really know what “going green” means? I mean really?  Don’t worry I’m no saint. I use too much water, don’t recycle […]

Small Space Landscaping

“What should I do to add color to the front of my house?” How many times have you thought that, or something similar? Often the front porch is an area of your landscaping that gets overlooked for any number of reasons. I am sure that you just thought of a few while reading that sentence. There […]