
Spring Fertilization

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Introduction to Fertilizing a Roseville Landscape

Fertilization of your landscape can be an important means of keeping it alive and fresh all year round. Fertilization is an excellent way to maintain your beautiful and lush turf without having to use replacements. For your landscape design, you may want to choose an option that promotes lawn health in order to naturally fertilize your lawn. Maintenance is an essential part of having that green curb appeal all year round, even in the harsh summer months, so how can you be sure of how to fertilize right? Well Capital landscape professionals are experts at lawn care maintenance in the Sacramento, CA area and here are two options for fertilization.

Liming a Landscape in Roseville

Roseville backyardWhen moss and other damp plant life takes over your landscape, you will see that your lawns pH becomes off balance. In fact, your once lively will become an acidic mess. In order to prevent landscape death, you will need to lime your yard. This means that you use lime lawn care products to return your soil to a neutral state and stay alive longer. Keep in mind that too much can turn your Rocklin landscaping job into an alkaline mess. You need to learn to balance your landscape with the help of a licensed lawn care professional, which you can conveniently consult at Capital Landscape for any lawn health issues.

If you are unsure of your lawn’s pH you can send a sample of soil in to a lawn care expert and have them test the acidity rate as well. Furthermore, keep in mind that liming is a corrective not a preventative measure. Unlike fertilization, you only need to lime your lawn if there is an acidity problem.

Fertilization and the Sacramento landscape

There are two types of fertilization for your lawn that have proven to be quite beneficial for any Landscaping fertilization in Citrus Heights and Sacramento. That is mulching or compost and chemical fertilization. Both have a variety of helpful benefits that can help transform your lawn into a healthy lush turf.

  • Compost and Mulch Mowers
    • Composting and mulching a landscape is an organic way to build and promote your landscape. It allows for you to utilize the dead and decaying parts of your lawn and use it as a mulch option to help your landscape grow and be self-sustained. It is an effective means of using your resources despite low waterfall drying out many Roseville landscaping jobs.
    • Chemical Fertilizer
      • This fertilizing method can not only work to make your grass grown but can also be a means of weed control. It is, however, toxic and can be damaging to your fruit and animals if the chemical level is too high. In fact, it can even have the opposite effect on your lawn and cause weeds to grow as rapidly as you hope your grass to grow.

Overall it is important to note, that too much fertilization can even cause disease and weeds. If you need guidance with your landscape to choose a method of fertilization that is best, contact us and get a free consultation on a self-sustaining landscape design.


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