It may only be the middle of May and the temperatures outside feel like early spring, but those high temperatures will be here before you know it!!
Recently Business Wire published an article about America’s love affair with their back yard. With the advent of the “stay-cation” and increased cost of travel, America is turning to the back yard as a place to enjoy a relaxing “get away”.
With Grills, Fire pits/Fireplaces and Seating/Dining areas being requested as a likely addition to over 95% of households questioned.
Sacramento and Roseville landscaping needs can vary quite a lot, but one thing that they all need in the hot summer months is shade.
You can achieve the right amount of shade in lots of ways: arbors, shade sails, palapas, pergolas, gazebos, trees and vine covered trellis’. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination.
Make sure that you are considering the style of your home before committing to an outdoor structure. Roseville landscaper, Capital Landscape, can help you to discover a style that is uniquely yours. With Landscape Architects on staff we make sure that your vision is put down on paper correctly so that it can be built correctly, This is key to a successful landscape installation.