How Landscaping May Be the Solution for Lawn Disease


Lawn disease is a serious problem for your property. Lawn disease is not unlike human illnesses – an infected lawn may be treatable with the right medicine, but in some cases the disease could be permanent and cause a slow but steady decline in your lawn’s health.

What is Lawn Disease?

Nearly every lawn disease is caused by some type of fungus. Fungal infections take advantage of weaker grass and start to spread their spores. Every lawn disease has different symptoms. In Sacramento, some examples of lawn disease and their symptoms include:

  • Dollar Spot – Small spots usually only a few inches in diameter that look like underwatered/dying grass.
  • Fusarium Blight – Dead spots that may appear light brown or near-white that can grow up to a foot long.
  • Pink Snow Mold – Small circles of dying turf with a reddish brown/pink hue. Occur in cool temperatures often after winter.
  • Fairy Ring – Ring of mushrooms that grows in almost perfect circle and tends to grow larger over time. Turf appears damaged around the ring but healthy inside the ring.

These are just a small sample of the diseases in the Sacramento area. What’s important to note is that in the case of diseases like dollar spot, a fungicide is often enough to cure the disease. You’ll simple need to call a lawn care expert and get it removed.

But with other diseases, like fairy ring, fungicides alone rarely work. Even with dollar spot and other treatable diseases, fungicides may not be effective enough. Even if you completely redo your lawn with new seeds and better prevention strategies, the fungus may be there to stay unless you take the steps to remove it.

Using Landscaping to Wipe Out Lawn Disease

Lawn disease is actually one of the most widely forgotten reasons to contact a landscape design company. In the world of lawn care, when a lawn disease becomes too problematic, a company like Capital Landscape can provide the solution.

In some cases, we can simply completely remove your current turf, including thatch, and then rebuild it from scratch with turf that is disease free. Some homeowners now also consider artificial turf in an effort to conserve water. If you have a particularly nasty lawn disease, artificial turf will prevent future disease while also requiring no upkeep and maintenance.

Landscape companies are often called in to replace lawns that are struggling with lawn disease, and while it is often better to consider it as part of a larger package of lawn care, the truth is that any time you need your backyard or front yard redone, a landscaping company is the best place to call to complete it.

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