
Crabgrass Control


Landscape Design in Roseville

Crabgrass Schedule.

Crabgrass is a terrible landscape pest that can destroy any turf and lawn if you do not take proper precautions. This time of the year the very strong crabgrass seeds are dormant and preventing themselves from growing to survive the winter. Once July and August hit you, might find that without previous precautions taken your landscape will be destroyed by crabgrass in no time at all. July and August are their strongest months.

Preventing Crab grass

Once it goes to seed, Crabgrass spreads quickly in warm months. It can infest your lawn in little to no time at all. Even when it gets really cold, although the freeze will likely eliminate any crabgrass it will not stop the spread of seeds which survive the weather. Now that we are in February you will still not be seeing any crabgrass as it remains dormant in the winter. However, you can still ensure that in your landscape maintenance you take preventative measures to stop the spread of crabgrass. To prevent crabgrass you will want to have a very healthy lawn. When your turf is in a prime condition it will be very hard for weeds to poke their way through and survive. Here is how you can prevent crabgrass:Mow frequently to keep grass at one length. If you are predisposed for crabgrass begin with higher cut grass because crabgrass needs a lot more light and the regular grass can work as a shield.

Water in long heavy intervals will allow your regular grass which has the deeper roots, to be given plenty of sustenance to thrive over the crab grass.

Kill Visible Grass

.Due to a warm winter you may see some crabgrass growing in flower beds. Killing this crab grass is important to keep it from choking out any other plants you may have. Crabgrass is a weed that will cut off nutrients from other plants so once it strikes you must maintain killing it right away.

Renovate your Roseville landscape

if crabgrass has taken over. When the crabgrass begins to overtake the rest of your lawn, it may become necessary to completely redo your turf. Filling your lawn and starting from scratch after pesticides have been used will allow for your new planted grass to develop stronger roots and keep your landscape from being overwrought with crabgrass.

What to Do Today?

What can you do right now to prevent crabgrass in your Granite bay landscape? Well, you can begin with some crabgrass prevention spray. At local gardening stores you will find Drive XLR8 Crabgrass killer which is a great weed killer that also helps your landscape survive. Because you are likely fertilizing your landscape now, you will want to make sure that you also use some pesticide prevention.

  • For more expert advice contact us today for a free estimate and appointment with a landscape designer. You may just pick up some really useful information.

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